We are on a mission to create a game-changing golf ball brand. For us, it's about more than just performance. We created Uncommon to fuel your self-expression and love of golf.

Uncommon was born out of a personal need. On the search for the right ball to play, we found golf ball brands to be confusing and unrelatable. The more we searched for answers around what ball to play, the more lost we became. We scored well with cheap balls, and scored terribly with expensive balls. On our journey to understand it all, we only really felt one thing- that there has to be a better way to do this. Welcome to Uncommon.

The Inspiration for Uncommon

Most golfers rightfully don’t know the name Moe Norman, but he was known as one of the best ball strikers of all time. He’s not a household name because he was a really quirky (believed to be autistic) Canadian pro in the 1960s that was laughed off the PGA tour. His story is about being different and misunderstood at a time when society (and golf) had zero compassion or tolerance for it. His story broke our hearts and inspired us. We decided that we wanted to bottle Moe Norman’s spirit and infuse it into Uncommon’s DNA. He would be the way we expressed our desire to be different and play golf our way.

Artwork by Richard Blanco // @Slackertide

Our Promise.

Players Pact

Purchase golf balls from Uncommon with confidence. Our Player's Pact is our promise to our consumers that if for any reason our golf balls don't perform to your expectations, you can return them for a full refund. No questions asked. 

True Cost

We believe our consumers deserve to know the actual costs of the golf ball they play. Our pricing is completely transparent, down to the materials and labor involved to make the ball. We believe this will allow players to make better decisions about the ball they play.